About College

Sonopant Dandekar Arts, V.S. Apte Commerce and M.H. Mehta Science College of Sonopant Dandekar Shikshan Mandali was founded in 1970 to commemorate the memory of the great visionary and saint of modern Maharashtra, the son of the soil Late Shri. Sonopant Dandekar with a vision to provide higher education to all, especially to the first generation learners of tribal and Women folks. At the time of its inception the college had 150 students, today as a result of dedicated and dynamic team of stake holders the institute campus has 7 Buildings, well equipped laboratories, Library, Research facilities, Gymnasium, Cricket Ground, Football Turf, Indoor and Outdoor Sport facilities, Cultural Center and nearly 4991 (Senior college) students of which 57% are girl students.

Sonopant Dandekar College is a co-education institution with 2(F) and 12(B) status since 1972. It is the first college of Higher education in western part of then the Palghar District.

The college is offering 38 UG Programmes (B.A., B.A. Psychology, B.Com., B.Sc., BMS, BAF, B.Sc.-Biotech, B.Sc.-IT, B.Sc.-CS, BBI, BFM) and 16 PG Programmes (M.A.-Marathi, M.A.-History, M.A.-Political Science, M.A.-Economics, M.A.-Geography, M.A. Psychology, M.Com.-Advanced Accountancy, M.Com.-Business Management, M.Sc.-Analytical Chemistry, M.Sc. Organic Chemistry, M.Sc.-Botany, M.Sc.-Zoology, M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc.-Biotechnology, M.Sc.-Mathematics, M.Sc.-Information Technology) and 4 Ph.D. Programmes (Ph.D. in Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology) of University of Mumbai.

At present there are 124 faculty members of whom 27 are appointed under aided stream and 97 are appointed under self- financing stream. There are 125 support staff (33 aided and 92 unaided) working in the different departments, administrative office and Rural Development Centre.

Furthering the cause of social justice the college has continued to provide various scholarships, freeships to economically, socially and physically challenged students. The College has adopted a visually challenged student who has completed his Graduation from the institute and Post Graduate from University of Pune is now working as Assistant Professor in the Institute. Because of the mechanism developed by the institute for visually impaired and handicapped students, there are more than 10 blind & handicapped students pursuing their education in the institute.

The Student support mechanism has explored various new agencies private (Lupin Ltd) and public (HPCL) enterprises and voluntary organisations like Lions Club etc. in addition to the Governmental agencies awarding freeships and scholarships to the students. The Contribution of NSS and NCC to community and nation building has been invaluable. The participation of volunteers and cadets in national level camps and events has enhanced the process of communal harmony and cultural exchange. These departments regularly organize the training camps and workshops on behalf of University and NCC Battalion. Five NCC cadets and two NSS volunteers represented college in Republic Day Parade in New Delhi. The NSS unit of the College was earlier awarded as the best NSS unit by the Government of Maharashtra, and till date the unit is following the legacy. The social cause for which the college NSS unit is working has been awarded with (1) “Samajik Bhan Puraskar” by Times Group. For the overall development of the college and growth, the social cause for which the college stand has made it won the (2) “BEST COLLEGE” by University of Mumbai. (3) As per the Survey conducted by ‘OUTLOOK’ amongst The Top 100 Colleges in India for 2020-2021 & 2021-2022, 2022-2023 (4) As per India Today & MDRA Survey amongst The Top 200 Colleges in India for 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021 & 2021-2022, 2022-2023 (5) As Per India Today Survey Amongst The Top Ten Colleges In India With Lowest Course Fees.

Inculcating of Value System has ever been one of the important goals of the college. The healthy co-educational atmosphere preserved in the college is the mirror to the value system promoted by the institution over decades. The college has adopted the UGC regulation of curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions and constituted an anti-ragging committee governed by senior staff members. The induction programme conducted at the beginning of the every year by the Principal played a vital role in creating a healthy atmosphere in the institute. The healthy practices include gender equality, clean and green campus, and leading representation of girl students at various forums and activities and a sense of social commitment in the extension and outreached activities. Women Empowerment is one of the missions of the college and it is reflected through various co-curricular and extracurricular activities undertaken by Women Development Cell of the College. College became the part of Government of Maharashtra initiative of Gender Sensitization “Jagar Janivaancha” and actively participated in all the activities. The institution is environmental conscious and along with the NGOs and Government agencies implemented “Hirvai Abhiyan” - An Environment Awareness Campaign. Another unique practice adopted is to co-ordinate the senior citizen organizations in Palghar city. NSS volunteers actively participate in the activities organized by these senior citizen organizations.

College has substantial numbers of computes with easy access to internet facilities. Science Laboratories, I.T. Laboratory, Library, administrative office and exam department are equipped with computers and necessary software and hardware. Most of the departments have their own collection of study material. Use of Power Point Presentation and use of ICT tools is regular feature of teaching learning. The college implemented the Exam Paper Delivery System to download the question papers of University Examination. Credit based Grading Semester System has been implemented under the reform of examination system with revision of syllabi of the programmes by parent University.

The College research committee has facilitated research among faculties as well as the students. As many as 50 minor research projects are submitted to University Research Cell till date. 2 Minor and 1 Major Research project of UGC were completed by the staff. A Major Research Project funded by Rajya Marathi Bhasha Parishad about “Study of Dialects in Palghar Tahsil” was completed and got published in the book form. The college has started 12 add on certificate courses help the students to cultivate their diverse talents with valuable addition to their personality development.

The college has spared no efforts to provide excellent infrastructural facilities to the faculty and students to develop Global competencies at the level of excellence. The college has thus striven to impart modern and need based education to rural and Adivasi youths of Palghar district in spite of the fact that it is located away from epicenter of development. Over the last five decades with its ability it reaches for its excellence. Armed with confidence in the roots and with the faith in its “support system”– its faculty, staff and resources, Sonopant Dandekar College will continue its success story for many years to come.

Visitor Count: 23987762

Get In Touch

Address: College Rd, Mission Compound,
Tembhode, Palghar,
Maharashtra 401404

Email: [email protected]


Monday-Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Sunday: Holiday

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