Career Katta

Career Katta: Pathway from Learner to Earner

Career Katta is a program organized by the Government of Maharashtra, in collaboration with the Maharashtra Information Technology Support Centre (MITSC). It aims to provide valuable skills and resources to learners and prepare them for the workforce or higher education. It’s key thrust areas are:

  • Career counselling and guidance: Career Katta offers learners counselling and guidance on various career paths, including competitive exams (UPSC, MPSC, Banking, etc.), entrepreneurship, and skill development.
  • Skill development programs: The program provides learners with training in various skills as per market demand especially in soft skills and emotional intelligence.
  • Internship and placement opportunities: It helps learners connect with potential employers for internships and placements.
  • Information on Credit Earnings under CBCS and NEP Curriculum Framework: The program provides learners with information on how to earn credits under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and the National Education Policy (NEP).

Visitor Count: 23988785

Get In Touch

Address: College Rd, Mission Compound,
Tembhode, Palghar,
Maharashtra 401404

Email: [email protected]


Monday-Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Sunday: Holiday

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