Examination Committee

Examination Committee: Ensuring Fairness and Credibility in Assessments

The Examination Committee act as the custodians of academic integrity, ensuring a smooth and fair assessment process for all students. The key areas of its function are:

  • Examination Management: The committee crafts exam schedules for the vast number of courses, allocates appropriate halls for examinations, and guarantees sufficient resources are available across all subjects. The logistics are as per procedures laid down by University of Mumbai.
  • Examiner Selection: Given the wide range of courses, selecting qualified examiners for paper setting, evaluation, and moderation is crucial. The committee meticulously chooses experts for each subject.
  • Upholding University Standards: As a University Examination Centre, adhering to University of Mumbai's guidelines is paramount. The committee ensures question papers are aligned with the university syllabus and marking standards are consistent with university expectations.
  • Efficient Exam Conduct: With a large student body and diverse exams, overseeing the exam process effectively is vital. The committee appoints invigilators and addresses any irregularities or student concerns during exams. Unfair means Committee is formed.
  • Timely Result Declaration: The committee ensures the moderation rules, gracing standards, assessment, and revaluation rules are adhered thereto. The results are declared within 45 working days from the date of examination. It has separate CAP center for the same.
  • Grievances: In case of any grievances, the same can be reported to institute’s policy on grievances.

In essence, the Examination Committee safeguards the fairness and credibility of assessments for this established institute, upholding the high standards expected by the University of Mumbai.

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Get In Touch

Address: College Rd, Mission Compound,
Tembhode, Palghar,
Maharashtra 401404

Email: [email protected]


Monday-Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Sunday: Holiday

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